A good stretch is a hug for your muscles! Don’t you just love a good stretch? Stretching and a therapeutic massage by a seasoned professional go hand-in-hand. It is important to recognize how they both improve your relationship with your body and its functions. There are so many benefits to stretching. Improving flexibility, reducing muscle soreness, increasing energy, and reducing risk of injury are just a few! It’s critical to keep those muscles loose and mobile for your body’s health. Whether you’re the type to run a marathon or lounge on the couch–stretching is crucial. It’s important to always stay relaxed, no matter the activity. Listen to your body, if you are feeling discomfort take a moment to readjust. Doing some of these exercises multiple times per day will not only improve your physical fitness, but your mental well being. Pushing yourself to do stretches is not going to do your body any good, it could just cause more pain and problems. So always pay attention to what it is telling you. Here is a list of stretches that have been proven to increase mobility and ergonomics: Neck
Remember to take care of yourself, your body deserves it! Implementing these stretches into your daily routine, along with getting a massage is the perfect way to promote healing and rejuvenate your muscles. Contact us today to get your personalized, professional massage! Comments are closed.
December 2024