Welcome to Living Touch MassageExplore the benefits of massage, bodywork and natural healing in a warm, inviting atmosphere at the Living Touch Massage studio located in Bemidji, Minnesota.
With the rising cost of health care, people are looking for ways to stay healthier. Massage and bodywork can be a wonderful wellness tool. Professional massage has many benefits including improving circulation, lessening stress, pain and relaxing tight sore muscles. The staff of Living Touch Massage uses a combination of integrated massage techniques to personalize your massage. Are you seeking a deep and restorative massage? Would you prefer a light and relaxing massage? Our massage therapy mission is to put the focus on your needs and your concerns. Rita Scholl Bergstrom will begin each session with an assessment and conversation about the outcomes you expect from massage. From these assessments a unique wellness plan, using the right bodywork techniques, will be structured just for you – TO MEET YOUR NEEDS! |
How can we help you?Light and relaxing massage
Swedish and other Therapeutic massage techniques are primarily used for relaxation and warming muscle tissue, sometimes in preparation for deeper forms of massage.
Deep Tissue Massage
We combine deeper pressure massage techniques for health improvement, improved sports and daily performance as well as restoration and recovery from injury.
Myofascial Release
Myofascial Release involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion.
Prenatal Massage
Living Touch Massage has specially designed pregnancy cushions. Specialized cushions support the expectant mother so she is able to lay face down without putting pressure on the baby.
Lymphatic Massage
Manual Lymphatic Drainage is manual manipulation of the lymphatic system to help flush and drain lymphatic fluid from the body. Lymphatic work can be used as a detoxification massage and is used as a medical treatment for lymphedema management.
Chair Massage
Massage chairs can be set up in a public setting or an office. Think about adding massage to your special event, conference, or Friday afternoon in the office. Ask how you can make chair massage part of any special event!
Call or text Rita to make your appointment today! |
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Massage TherapyTherapeutic, restorative and relaxing. Come, experience the difference and benefits of massage. |
Experience the difference, at your comfort level