The way you set up your morning is more important than you may realize. The entire tone of your day can be established within the first few moments of when your eyes open! If you’re anything like us, you strive to have the best day ever every single day! While you may not be able to achieve this every day consistently, there are some things you can do to set yourself up for success that are not only painless, but VERY easy! Hydrate! The very first thing that everybody should be doing when they wake up is to drink some water and get your body hydrated. Our body is our vessel through life, and it needs to be maintained with the same care (or better care) than your car. You wouldn’t let your car run with no oil, would you? The same principle applies to your body. Take care of it, so it can continue to take care of you!
Let in the sunshine! In those first few minutes of being awake, most people these days immediately grab their phone and start scrolling. That’s just the world we live in these days. However, this could be impeding on your entire day! Social media, while it has many advantages, comes with a fair amount of disadvantages, which can lead to a feeling of anxiousness for many people. Instead, while you’re drinking your water, throw open your shades and let the sunlight in! Getting exposed to natural light is the perfect way to boost your mood, and start your day off on the right foot. Especially in Minnesota, where our winters can be long and dark, we need to take full advantage of the days when the sun is up before we are! Make your bed! Chaos leads to more chaos. Not to say that an unmade bed is the worst thing, but creating order first thing in the morning can spark that same sense of order throughout the day. When everything is in order, you feel a sense of accomplishment and control, which leads to feelings of happiness and fulfillment. Plus it’s always nice to crawl into a made bed at the end of the day. So don’t look at making your bed as a chore, think of it as the start to the many things you’ll accomplish throughout the day! Drink Greens BEFORE caffeine! Alright, we get it. This one is a hard sell. Caffeine and coffee is REALLY what makes the world go round these days. We’re not saying to forego your morning cup of Joe, but we ARE saying that green drink can help your body run optimally for the day (in addition to the water we’re already asking you to drink). It’s no surprise that right now, the average American is not eating enough vegetables. This can be for various reasons, but the bottom line is that these nutrients are SO important. They are loaded with antioxidants which will detoxify your body. They also boost your body’s immunity, fighting disease and preventing illness. You’re also getting your probiotics, which are good for gut health and liver function. These drinks can be made in a blender or food processor, and typically contain broccoli, spinach, kale, and celery. Alternatively, if you don’t have the time to be cutting and preparing vegetables in the morning, you can opt for a green drink powder mixed with water! Now you don’t necessarily need to be taking green drinks everyday, especially if you eat vegetables on a regular basis, but a few times a week is better than nothing! Journaling 5-10 minutes! Journaling is hard for a lot of people, especially if your mind is wired for it or used to the practice. But it can really get you into the right headspace for the day, and the beauty of it is, you can write whatever you want! Maybe it’s a list of what you want to accomplish for the day. It could be reflections of what you accomplished the previous day. Daily affirmations, or writing down what you're feeling grateful for are also totally fine! It’s really just a tool to “prime the pump” for your brain to start firing on all cylinders! Just a few little scribbles, or a lot of big scribbles depending on the day! Putting it all together. We know that many people are already thinking to themselves, “I’m already pressed for time, how can I add 5 new things to my morning routine?” Well, start small. Then gradually add to it! You’ll find that a lot of these things can be done at the same time, so in total, you may be adding a mere 10 minutes to your morning. You can easily sip on your water while making your bed, and you might as well throw open those windows on your way to the kitchen for that water. That’s 3 steps in 1 right there! In the summer, we HIGHLY recommend taking your green drink and your journal out on the porch, and knocking those two tasks out at the same time too WITH the added bonus of a little fresh air! It just feels so much more pleasant than rushing your way out the door in the morning. It’s just a matter of building that routine. So give it a try! The only thing you have to lose is a bad day! |
December 2024