Not only does springtime thaw the earth around us, but it also thaws our bodies. The changing of seasons can bring out unique aches and pains. This transition between seasons is a good time to add massage into your self care routine. A deep tissue massage combines deeper pressure massage techniques for health improvement, easing any muscle discomfort you may be experiencing.
Many of us dread the spring season all because of one thing: allergies. This unavoidable side effect of spring can also take a toll on your body. A lymphatic massage can do wonders for your immune system. Manual Lymphatic Drainage is manual manipulation of the lymphatic system to help flush and drain lymphatic fluid from the body. Lymphatic work can be used as a detoxification massage and is used as a medical treatment for lymphedema management.
These transitional months can be exciting, but they also present challenges for our bodies. They bring out aches that we haven’t felt since the previous summer and sometimes they just need a little help from a massage session or two to get worked out. Take the time today to make sure you have your appointments scheduled, Living Touch Massage books up quickly and Rita wants to make sure everyone enjoys the warm weather this year.
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December 2024